Alpha Social Care Training

WHO ARE alpha social care training

Meet Frank

Frank has over 30 years experience within the Social Care field. Frank has worked across the Social Care Spectrum in the Statutory and Voluntary Sector as a Practitioner, Manager and Learning & Development Professional. Since ASCT inception in 2013 Frank has provided freelance pragmatic training & consultancy to a wide range of organisations.

our Courses

Alpha Social Care Training was established in 2013. Francis Doherty has twenty years experience designing and delivering a vast range of Social Care based courses, which can be tailored to need, including:


Drugs and the Law, Drugs and Effects, Life of the Addict, Reasons for Addiction (Social, Psychological, Environmental), Harm Reduction, Cycle of Recovery.

Alcohol Awareness

Harm, Related Problems, Levels & Units, Stages of Drunkenness, Alcohol & the Brain.

Alcohol Related Brain Damage (ARBD)

ARBD, Assessment, Prevention & Treatment, Recovery, Supporting Individuals and Legislation.

Child Protection

Relevant Legislation, Principles of care in relation to child protection, Organisational Policy & Procedure, Types of harm, Practical considerations

Communication Skills

Barriers to Communication, Verbal Communication, Positioning Yourself, The Voice, Listening Skills, Non-Verbal Communication, Body Language, Eye Contact, Responding Skills, Use of Touch, Sight Loss, Hearing Loss, Communication Aids, Cultural Differences, Challenging Behaviour, Dementia, Self-Harm

Conflict Management

Understanding Conflict, Approaches, Steps to Resolution, Support Mechanisms, Motives & Principles, Willingness.

Counselling Skills

Trust, What is Counselling? Types of Counselling, Styles & Theories, Counselling Skills

Facilitation Skill

What is Facilitation, Figure & Ground, Data, Content Neutral, Facilitation Skills, and Listening Skills.


Groups, Adult Learning Theory, Divergence & Convergence, Experiential Learning, Skills.

Handling Complaints

What is a Complaint? Suggestions, Complaints Policy, Feelings, Experiences, Learning from Complaints, Skills, Whistleblowing.

HNC in Health & Social Care Workshop

Sociology, Psychology, Social Care Theory, Social Policy, Protection from Harm & Abuse, Graded Unit, Organisational Study.

Inclusion & Equalities (inc. Anti-Discriminatory Practice

Diversity, Culture, Society, Religion, Discrimination, Equality Act 2010 and ADP

Mediation Skills

Mediation, Trust Building, Figure & Ground, Data, Content Neutral, Impasse, Self-Awareness, Conflict Resolution Steps and Resolution.

Social Care Induction

Working in Social Care, PVG, National Care Standards, Codes of Practice, SSSC Registration & Qualification Requirements, Finance, Client Groups, Supervision, Best Practice, Human Resources, Handling Medication, Fitness to Work.

Person–Centred Planning

Values, Individuality, Rights, Choice, Privacy, Independence, Dignity, Respect, Partnership, Confidentiality, Equal Opportunities, Diversity, Person-Centred Approach, Care Plans, Risk Assessment.

Practical Management of Challenging Behaviour

What is Challenging Behaviour? Triggers and Antecedents, Recording, Causes of Challenging Behaviour, Effects, Managing, Policy Framework, Accidents/Incidents, Reporting Requirements, Self-Awareness.

Recording Skills

Planning, Writing, What to Record, What not to Record, Grammar, Structure, Beginning, Middle and End, Practical Exercises, Factual Recording, Data, Reviews, Modes of Recording, Confidentiality, Storage & Data Protection Act 1998.

Self-Development & Exploration

What is Self-Awareness? Factors inhibiting Self-Awareness, Attachment, Ego-Centric (Self), ID (Desires) & Super-Ego (Conscience), Purpose & Belief System, Safe-Keeping, Internal Working Model.

Stress and Relaxation

What is Stress? Normal Stress, Problematic Stress, Signs of Stress, Signs of Relaxation, Chemistry of the Mind, Sleep Cycle, Sleep Inhibitors, Autonomic Nervous System, Emotional Needs

Supervision for Supervisees

What is Supervision? Principles, Policy, Agenda, Skills, Supervision is Not, Clarity, Formal & Informal, Recording & Confidentiality, Experiences

SVQ 2/3/4 Workshops

Mandatory & Optional Units

Supervision Skills for Managers

hat is Supervision? Principles, Policy, Agenda, Skills, Supervision is Not, Clarity, Formal & Informal, Recording & Confidentiality, Experiences, Planning, Practice, Boundaries, Environment, Tools.

Tell Someone (Adult Support & Protection Act (Scotland) 2007)

Definition of Adult at Risk, Definition of Harm, Types of Harm, Signs of Harm, Recording & Accountability, Policy & Procedure’ Whistleblowing.

Working with Fragile Families

My Family, Sociological Perspectives, Attachment, Attunement, Chaos, Poverty, Crime, Families we support, Skills, Policy, Reporting Requirements, Self-Awareness.

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Mobile No: 07505 997411